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What is SEEKER

seeker - Accurately Locate Smartphones using Social Engineering.

Concept behind Seeker is simple, just like we host phishing pages to get credentials why not host a fake page that requests your location like many popular location based websites. Read more on thewhiteh4t's Blog .Seeker Hosts a fake website on In Built PHP Server and uses Serveo to generate a link which we will forward to the target, website asks for Location Permission and if the target allows it, we can get :

⭕️Altitude - Not always available
⭕️Direction - Only available if user is moving
⭕️Speed - Only available if user is moving

Along with Location Information we also get Device Information without any permissions :

⭕️Operating System
⭕️Number of CPU Cores
⭕️Amount of RAM - Approximate Results
⭕️Screen Resolution
⭕️GPU information
⭕️Browser Name and Version
⭕️Public IP Address
⭕️IP Address Reconnaissance

This tool is a Proof of Concept and is for Educational Purposes Only, Seeker shows what data a malicious website can gather about you and your devices and why you should not click on random links and allow critical permissions such as Location etc.

How is this Different from IP GeoLocation

👉Other tools and services offer IP Geolocation which is NOT accurate at all and does not give location of the target instead it is the approximate location of the ISP.

👉Seeker uses HTML API and gets Location Permission and then grabs Longitude and Latitude using GPS Hardware which is present in the device, so Seeker works best with Smartphones, if the GPS Hardware is not present, such as on a Laptop, Seeker fallbacks to IP Geolocation or it will look for Cached Coordinates.

👉Generally if a user accepts location permsission, Accuracy of the information recieved is accurate to approximately 30 meters, Accuracy Depends on the Device.

Note : On iPhone due to some reason location accuracy is approximately 65 meters.

Tested On :

Kali LinuxBlackArch LinuxUbuntuKali NethunterTermuxParrot OS


Kali Linux / Ubuntu / Parrot OS

git clone cd seeker/ chmod 777 ./

BlackArch Linux

pacman -S seeker


docker pull thewhiteh4t/seeker


git clone cd seeker/ chmod 777 ./


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